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  • Product:GE PTFE Filter

    Type Name:GE PTFE Filters

    Description:Characteristic 1. GE Prevail Eptfe 2. Meet EN1822 standards in the MPPS 5 CM/SEC air the efficiency can reach to H13more than 99.97% @0.3um it is real HEPA filter. 3.Repeating using. 4.Good strength not easy for damaged non-protection


Product description

1. GE Prevail Eptfe
2. Meet EN1822 standards, in the MPPS 5 CM/SEC air, the efficiency can reach to H13,more  than 99.97% @0.3um, it is real HEPA filter.
3.Repeating using.
4.Good strength, not easy for damaged, non-protection net
5. Reproducible
6. Good performance of Acid-base and corrosion
7. Suitable for vacuum cleaner, industrial filtration and medicine
Test Standard:
1. Filter durability test per ASTM F494
2. Air pressure loss per: ASTM F-588
3. ASTM F1977-04: Determining Initial, fractional, filtration efficiency of vacuum cleaner filter test standard.
4. ANSI/ASHARE Standard 52.2-2007: Method of Test General Ventilation Air-Cleaning Devices for Removal Efficiency by particle size.